Sanctuary is a Canadian science fiction/fantasy webisode/television series starring Amanda Tapping of Stargate fame.
Sanctuary follows Dr. Helen Magnus and her quest to protect people and creatures that are "abnormal" . "The Sanctuary" is a safe haven for these "abnormals". Helen is assisted in her quest by Will Zimmerman, her daughter Ashley, computer expert Henry Foss, and an "abnormal" called "Big Foot".
Comments (16)
05/21/12 at 01:39pm
SyFy did not renew Sanctuary for Season 5.
02/12/12 at 12:54pm
^^^^ That post was for the renewal of season 4... the date was 19/01/11 (1/19/11 for us Americans)... I think that was the post you were referring to... But idk. I REALLY hope that this show is renewed... Then again... THE PEOPLE AT SYFY ARE DUMBASSES!!! WE DONT WANT 9 HORROR SHOWS IN A ROW FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!
02/11/12 at 07:07pm
I read on eztv that Sanctuary has been renewed for season 5.. i'm just trying to figure out when it's going to air! Can't wait.
02/10/12 at 10:41am
I really hope Sanctuary returns for Season 5! The new plot from Season 4's finale would be amazing!
01/29/12 at 09:34pm
I would also like to know if there will be a 5th season
01/02/12 at 12:03pm
Is there gonna be a season 5 ?
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