An action thriller based on the 1990 French film Nikita that follows a spy and assassin who has gone rogue.
Nikita centers on a secret organization known as Division. This group targets troubled youth, erases all evidence of their past lives, and molds them into efficient spies and assassins.
Nikita is the first recruit to escape and promises to bring down her former employers.
Comments (30)
09/10/14 at 11:16am
Nikita worked for us. She's hot!
08/28/14 at 05:39pm
I loved this show & really miss it. They could have done more shows to the last season. It barely filled one DVD. It was such a good show I was so sad when the killed off Fletch & Sean they were such good characters. It's like the powers that be couldn't kill it off fast enuf. There was enuf story to have it run for alot more years. Who's idea was it to kill it, they were wrong?!
01/03/14 at 12:42pm
Maggie Q. was and still is VERY HOT!!! I love women and she is a real turn on!!
01/03/14 at 12:41pm
Nikita won't be missed. I have every season on DVD's. I'm just waiting for the season finale DVD's to come out now. Nikita rocks!!
12/31/13 at 00:58am
Just watched the final episode and it was done in great taste. It was given a fitting ending, the network did itself proud. MKL
11/08/13 at 07:04pm
Love the show and look forward to having it continue.
Does anyone know for sure if and when?
Does anyone know for sure if and when?
10/24/13 at 10:39am
I heard through two different sources that there might be six or even eight more episodes during the final 2013 thru 2014 season, and then that will be that.
10/10/13 at 11:05pm
I think I found that it will be airing the last six episodes starting in Nov. This will be the final season if everything I'm reading is to be believed.
09/26/13 at 11:26pm
It may not be a part of the fall season. It may be on winter or spring season.
09/14/13 at 08:37am
I viewed the half-hour promo for the Fall 2013 CW line-up, but Nikita was no where on that list Has the show been covertly cancelled without notifying the fans, or is there a suprize season opener scheduled for a later date?
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