
- Cancelled -
3.9  Avg User Rating
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Air Dates

Mar 01, 2012 - May 24, 2012








Michael - Jason IsaacsHannah - Laura AllenDr. Evans - Cherry JonesIsaiah - Steve HarrisEfrem - Wilmer Valerrama

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A drama following a man caught between two realities.

Since his car accident, detective Michael Britten's mind has created two realities in which his wife survived in one and his son survived in the other. At any given moment, he is not sure if he is awake or asleep - one minute he's awake with his wife, and at the blink of an eye he is awake with his son. With people in both realities assuring him he is not dreaming, he must now try and find out which reality - if any - is real.

Comments (167)

07/25/12 at 07:55pm

I agree with the previous post – AWAKE was a great show – though it seemed the writers knew it was going to be canceled early on – and then tried to give it an ending – and ending I felt was rushed and left un-answered questions

I also share the same feeling – why watch an NBC show – just when you get interested in it – it will be cancelled...
07/24/12 at 12:05pm

Pretty soon I am going to phase out NBC completely. AWAKE was a great show.....I could not keep my eyes off it. So disappointed that it is going.
07/23/12 at 10:20am

I am totally not impressed- HOW COULD YOU! Reverse this decision - this show is way too good to be shelved...
07/21/12 at 09:17pm

Just another totally mindless 25 year old executive decision to cancel this interesting and well done Drama. Just who are you fools that make these decisions based on sponsor interest? If one sponsor dumps the show, another will come along as there are just too many people watching good shows. Reality poopheads do not buy products because they are too dumb to make any decisions anyway. Please reconsider. It would not be the first cancellation ever reversed.
07/17/12 at 08:40am

im soooo upset about this !!!! i finally found a good , quality , interesting show that made me think and kept me entertained and they cancel after 13 episodes ? they didnt even give it a chance !! anyone knoww how i can contact nbc to complain because they are seriously idiots ... #notimpressed
Kathi J.
06/18/12 at 10:32am

Another disappointing decision by the network. Those of us that have to pay a lot of money for satellite TV or cable are wondering if the high price of TV is worth the price when all we see are reality shows because they are so much cheaper to produce than a well done TV series like Awake.

With the exception of a few shows, reality TV is a sad joke. I like shows that draw me in and make me think because the writing is exceptional. That's what I consider worth my time to watch. Are there so few of us watching these kinds of quality shows that they have to be canceled because "the masses" want to watch people screaming, lying, sleeping around, and hoping to be discovered for their talent? There is TOO much of it on right now and people are saturated with "reality".

I'm so close to just throwing in the towel on TV altogether. Maybe it really is a wasteland.
06/10/12 at 02:31pm

SERIOUSLY? Its really over? I knew it had to be cancelled when they ended it like they did. SHAME ON YOU NBC... this show actually had a great script, great acting, I couldnt wait til the next one aired. So what now, more completely mindless dull stupid reality bullcrap that I have to change the channel on now? Bring it, you just lost me watching NBC again! 13 pages of comments all in comlaints form AGAINST cancellation should tell you something about your dumbass decision! Idiots!
06/05/12 at 05:09pm

Unbelieveable, yet another quality show cancelled! But hey, there are how many new & stupid reality/dating shows to look forward to this fall? I'm completely disgusted!
Steven Covington
06/04/12 at 11:52pm

At first I was completely amazed that NBC, of all places, could produce a show as meaningful and intriquing as Awake. I, like so many other fans, looked forward to each week when the new show was aired. Especially the hints that it was a possible goverment cover up. This show kept me on the edge of the seat during its full duration. NBC for the last few years has been a hot spot of dead shows and meaningless UNreality shows. For it to produce, in my opinion, one of the break out best shows of 2011 was a indicidator of the direction in which the network was heading.

Then (dun dun du dun) some IDIOT (and I use the term loosely because for the life of me I can't comprehend the decision) decides to cancel the show. What I want to know, how can a network, such as NBC, expect to continue to draw viewers? It appears that you have a few shows that are worth putting the time and effort into, yet decide to cancel? Not everyone, and I will in fact say majority, wants to watch some mindless reality show in which the biggest question it poses weekly is whether "Orange is the new Pink?"

I sincerely believe in order for NBC to pull out of it ruts something drastic has to change! Whether or not it needs to go into a totally different direction, in regards to it's current predictament, is a decision that needs to made by the higher management.

What I pose, is to actually hire individuals who atleast have a vested interest in the company. Preferebly someone with an emotional rather than economical interest. No one wants a company succeed more than an employee who loves to "drink from the kool aide" so to speak.

So, with the understanding that this letter, even though thoughtfully prepared will probably land on deaf ears. Or at best a Non-paid intern who cares in the least what happens, I wish you all good luck in your future endeavors and leave with the parting common sense, "If it isn't broken don't fix the damn thing."


Steven Covington
06/03/12 at 02:54am

I love this show. It would have got more views if it wasn't aired at 10. NBC made a bad choice...yet again. Why not just cancel NBC because nothing good comes on that channel anymore anyways.

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