
- Concluded -
4.5  Avg User Rating
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Air Dates

Jan 17, 2016 - Oct 29, 2023








Chuck - Paul GiamattiBobby - Damian LewisLara - Malin AkermanWendy - Maggie SiffMike - David CostabileBryan - Toby Leonard Moore

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A drama following two power players in the world of New York high finance.

Chuck Rhodes is a shrewd U.S. Attorney who puts his smarts and power up against ambitious hedge fund king Bobby "Axe" Axelrod in a bid to outmaneuver each other in the world of New York high finance where the stakes are in the billions.

Comments (9)

Richard J. Blanco
10/29/23 at 09:43pm

I’ve watched every single episode of the show. The conclusion was absolutely perfect. Damien was perfect in the come back home line was a great show when he was on it. The guy is an awesome character actor, Paul Giamatti to you know the last scene between those two guys is memorable. Maggie Siff was great in SOA and she was perfect in this Wendy Rhoades All the original enemies came together to knock out a we included you anyway yeah very this is one of the few times where you can say. The conclusion was absolutely perfect and matched the show in itself. I will miss it. I hope they do have a second act, or a spinoff with prince is the main character. I would definitely watch that. Speaking of endings I was disappointed when the Americans ended SOA Game of Thrones, but this ending was awesome. It lived up to the hype as well as the show.
Richard J. Blanco
10/29/23 at 09:34pm

I’ve watched every single episode of the show. The conclusion was absolutely perfect. All the original enemies came together to knock out a we included you anyway yeah very this is one of the few times where you can say. The conclusion was absolutely perfect and matched the show in itself. I will miss it. I hope they do have a second act, or a spinoff with prince is the main character. I would definitely watch that.
03/25/23 at 10:54am

Watches all seasons. Scary to see how realistically corrupt some government officials are. DAs are some of the worse. The story is dragging on with the same old money guilt DA and the self made money new billionaire. Took a woke storyline direction. Not the same without Axe character. Not sure if the 7th season will be interesting or just a rewritten repeat of the previous seasons. Taylor character was amazing previously. Now it’s just woke be woke fight.
Oliver McGuire
11/09/22 at 06:54pm

I've loved this show since its inception with interest, entertainment, anticipation and excitement never wavering.


However, Axe - Damian Lewis departing from the show at the end of season 5 throws the show and premise out of wack. The show was centered on the struggle and clever rivalry of Check and Axe. Although I understand there is only so much can be done with this relationship and plot, I believe it has truly influenced the shows dynamics. If this was a decision the creators chose and then replaced the antagonist with just another it is going to become stale quickly. Ultimately, myself and others would rather the story be concluded than to carry on with a standin to just push more episodes. Which will kill the integrity of the show and drag it into mediocrity.
Jeff Greene
01/05/18 at 11:46am

The characters are so real to what I see in the business and legal world, there are Bobby Axelrods all across the hedge fund and venture fund world, and there are Chuck Rhodes all across the legal world. Wendy is wonderful, wish I could meet a lady like her. Lara (Bobby's wife in show) is a mismatch, doesn't make sense, an egotistic supersmart like Bobby Axelrod would not have married a local nurse-type from the boros, he would have been a grifter and found a girl from a wealthy family whose father had a business empire. Lara is not a real character, she would have married a blue collar type that she could dominate.
12/11/17 at 04:16pm

Great show & Cast. Can't wait for Season 3
05/12/16 at 07:31pm

Great show. I wish I could find a "criminal" like Axe to manage my money. All I've ever found is criminals who talk big and then charge exorbitant fees to lose my money. They're the ones who need jail.
01/04/16 at 04:22am

Saw ep one last night...I liked it. Great actors...don't really understand all the hedge fund talk...but good to see sons of anarchy actress in it...
10/29/15 at 00:33am

Damian will make this work

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