A weekly news comedy show featuring commentary on current contemporary issues.
Longtime Daily Show correspondent Samantha Bee hosts this weekly late night series that uses her unique comedic voice to give a nuanced view of current political and cultural issues.
Comments (51)
08/16/22 at 03:18pm
Thank God I watched five minutes of that show and it was so bad I used to change the channel just when I saw the commercial I can't believe it even lasted six years good riddance horrible short stupid sketches and comments I think 2.6*as people being
08/14/22 at 09:40pm
There is a God!
Now go back to Canada you feckless Commie c#%&!!!
Now go back to Canada you feckless Commie c#%&!!!
08/04/22 at 10:23am
Zaslav strikes again!
08/03/22 at 12:07pm
Yeah. About time. Couldn't happen to another piece of #/'-!;;;%/$ like her. Never funny. Just bitter.
07/27/22 at 02:18am
TBS Cleaning house! About Time.
04/01/20 at 01:07pm
So bad. She just isn’t funny at all. None!
05/08/19 at 08:55pm
This woman is not funny and does nothing but complain and talk trash. She is repulsive and just rambles on like a fool! I literally change the channel rather than watch even a portion of her commercials. I finally just started staying away from TBS all together just because of this disgusting woman.
01/24/19 at 11:33am
I originally commented awhile ago that I didn't find this show funny even though I loved The Daily Show and things like that. I recently caught a couple more episodes and you know what? I'm retracting my statement. I laughed through most of it. I wasn't a fan originally but I am now.
09/02/18 at 01:38pm
i do love Full Frontal with Samantha Bee but all these dumbasses want to keep posting their opinions yet trying to tell others to stfu or change the channel if they don't like the show. Even if you don't agree, everyone is entitled to their opinion and freedom of speech and it goes without saying that changing the channel is an option, but it's juvenile to attempt to prevent someone of the privilege to share their opinion as you've done. So be an adult drama queens
08/25/18 at 03:21pm
If she's not funny to you, then change the channel.
I think she's hysterical, talk about saying what's on most women's minds! She's smart and educated on matters of which she speaks, we need more of her not less.
Love her and her husband,
Jason Jones, Canadians are great!
I think she's hysterical, talk about saying what's on most women's minds! She's smart and educated on matters of which she speaks, we need more of her not less.
Love her and her husband,
Jason Jones, Canadians are great!
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