A drama following a preacher inhabited by an entity that gives him an unusual power.
Jesse Custer is a conflicted, small-town Texas preacher who is possessed by a mysterious, supernatural entity that enables him to develop a highly unconventional power. Joined by his ex-girlfriend and an Irish vagabond, Jesse sets out on a journey to literally find God.
Comments (17)
09/22/19 at 08:22pm
I came to care about these flawed, sometimes awful people Tulip, Cass, and Jesse, and I am sad that everything is coming to a close so soon. I would have wished for at least two more seasons.
01/23/19 at 04:56pm
The comic books are better, but I love the show too. Getting mad about your Trump love makes me want to watch it more.
09/10/18 at 09:13am
Ha!!! boo hoo !!!! Love the show hope it gets 5 more seasons !!!
08/28/18 at 07:37am
What a disgusting cheap shot with the MAGA hat on the soldier in Nazi iniform. I have watched this show from the very beginning but will not in the future.
08/27/18 at 06:24pm
Latest episode "twist", Nazis with "Make America Great Again" caps??? I won't watch again, and just took "Preacher" off my DVR schedule. I don't have to sit thorough political cheap shots that masquerade as part of the plot line of a script. I wonder how many other viewers feel the same way.
07/17/18 at 03:51pm
Really loved season 1 very refreshing compared to other shows that's for sure. Season 2 was ok, season 3 I'm really trying but its losing my interest. I'll stick with it but I have a feeling it might not get picked up for a season 4. We'll see...
01/13/18 at 07:56am
Really like Season 1 but after 3 episodes into Season 2 I just can't do it. It is horrible now.
09/12/17 at 05:03am
My first comment contained too much accurate criticism and that's why it wasn't approved. Hopefully this one is toned down enough to be posted. I liked season 1 but didn't know whether I wanted to continue watching it. Now in spite of its flaws I am hooked and I have to see what happens to these characters next season.
04/18/17 at 04:36am
Love preacher! Just started watching it on demand. All of the sudden it's gone. Even my recorded shows are gone! Anyone know why?
12/09/16 at 12:26pm
WhooHoo. Iam so happy. I love this show and can't wait to see what mayhem they will cause in the next town they inhabit.
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