Young Sheldon

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3.7  Avg User Rating
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Air Dates

Sep 25, 2017 - Present








Sheldon - Iain ArmitageMary - Zoe PerryGeorge Sr. - Lance BarberMissy - Raegan RevordGeorgie Jr. - Montana Jordan

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A comedy following 9-year-old genius Sheldon Cooper growing up in East Texas.

Get to know The Big Bang Theory's Sheldon Cooper in his childhood years, growing up in East Texas at age 9. At a young age, having an advanced mathematical and scientific mind isn't necessarily helpful when living in a town where football and church get all the attention. Vulnerable, gifted and naïve, Sheldon is embarking on his awkward journey toward the man he will become.

Comments (22)

07/14/17 at 12:17pm

As a "Big Bang" fan who considers Sheldon to be my favorite character, I say "Why not give it a try?"
07/07/17 at 02:55pm

I could hardly stand Sheldon in TBB series, so, why would I want to watch this guy grow up to be the rude, ill-mannered, egotistical, obnoxious adult he is today?
Nope, not for moi...

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