The animated comedy continues its impressive run.
May 12, 2018
It is being reported that Fox has picked up Family Guy for a 17th season. The renewal will see the animated comedy reach 20 years on the air - a feat rarely accomplished by a television series.
Created by Seth MacFarlane before he was a household name, Family Guy debuted in 1999 without much fanfare. Airing in multiple time slots, the show struggled to find a consistent audience and was actually cancelled after its third season. But when DVD sales and syndication ratings exceeded expectations, Fox eventually decided to revive the series.
Since then it has gone on to become a fixture in pop culture, winning numerous awards and amassing a legion of loyal fans. One of TV's longest-running shows, Family Guy recently surpassed the 300-episode milestone.
Look for Family Guy to return this fall as part of the network's 2018-2019 schedule.
07/03/18 at 01:51pm
Bring back the Cleveland show
05/14/18 at 11:41am
To quote another show: "What the fork?!" This show along with "The Simpsons" needs to go and be replaced by something better.
05/12/18 at 05:28pm
Ive watched this from opening season and to be honest it just about holds up on some episodes ... Why stewie hasn't taken over the world yet seriously boggles the mind but there has been some good writing , but on the downside they can only take the envelope so far ... Cleveland show didn't do well ,that should have been a good idea to quit , maybe they want to beat the Simpsons but that's already ahead by miles ....nah if they continue ahead of this season they really need to do more silly episodes like they did with star wars ...i mean calling yourself Carlos spicy weiner was just funny ... They could easy do another .... But i guess Lucas was more accessible than Disney who knows but they do need to write some piss takes ....even take the piss out of the Orville that would be funny ....hey Seth write a Orville family guy episode.....
05/12/18 at 12:31pm
I know that many people think that this show has long passed its expiration date but I am pleased. Still better than all that reality s***. Yeah, I know that's no reason but what can I say, I'm a fan.
El Conquistador
05/12/18 at 10:21am
Sometimes I think shows merely get renewed so they hit some sort of milestone, not because they are still funny, new, or inventive in ANY way. This may not be The Simpsons.. but reasoning behind decisions for its renewal certainly seem to be on the same path.
05/12/18 at 10:17am
Let this shit die.