A drama following the men and women of the Chicago Police Department.
A spin-off of Chicago Fire, this drama involves stories of the uniformed police patrol and intelligence unit that pursues the perpetrators of The Windy City's major street offenses.
Comments (26)
04/23/21 at 09:54am
Keep this show going.
03/14/20 at 12:02pm
I'm glad to see the character of Kim Burgess (Marina Squerciati) decided against an abortion during her character's brief "pregnancy". Later on she loses her baby during a knock-down, drag out struggle with a bad guy. Miscarriages are always a bad deal. At least the writers didn't opt for abortion.
10/19/19 at 06:33am
This show has taken the whole stupid "who shot JR" cliffhanger thing way too far. Last season had a 2-episode cliffhanger, and this season took an additional 2 episodes to resolve the silly thing. Some people may not even catch my "who shot JR" reference, but this whole silly cliffhanger thing started in 1980 when someone shot JR Ewing in Dallas and everyone had to wait until the next season to find out who. Ever since, all the "me-too" network shows have just had to have cliffhangers at the end of every season. No one can come up with an original idea anymore. They think we're all going to sit on the edges of our chairs all summer, biting our fingernails up to the second knuckle. Hint to all the airhead network execs: We're not going to do that, so come up with something original for a change. If your show is good, we will be back in the fall. We don't need some stupid gimmick to get us to come back.
04/14/19 at 07:47pm
I have watch every episode of every season of this show and have consistently personally rated it as one of my favorites. And I have loved the integration of Chicago Med and Chicago Fire with this show.
However, this season has left me disappointed and confused. The writers keep going back to the same plotlines they have used several times before. Now its a dirty politician once again. They should watch The Rookie for some fresh and new ideas. Even the cast seems bored with having to repeat practically the same dialogue over and over again from numerous previous episodes. Get some new writers to support such high quality actors!
However, this season has left me disappointed and confused. The writers keep going back to the same plotlines they have used several times before. Now its a dirty politician once again. They should watch The Rookie for some fresh and new ideas. Even the cast seems bored with having to repeat practically the same dialogue over and over again from numerous previous episodes. Get some new writers to support such high quality actors!
02/02/19 at 01:09pm
On this past Wednesday's episode (Jan. 30th) I thought I heard Sgt. Voight (Jason Beghe) call a young black male suspect "honey" during an interrogation. Fearing I may have misunderstood, I played it back, and even used the caption-option. Turns out he did. What the hell???? I hope NBC isn't trying to "gay up" Chicago PD.
08/08/18 at 11:49am
Waiting for Season 8!
02/16/18 at 08:20am
05/22/17 at 10:08am
Hug fan. Can't wait for next season 2017. Sgt. Hank Voight, my favorite kind of fictional cop! Saw only one episode of Chicago Justice. Not my cup of tea. I don't like legal dramas anymore. I stopped watching L&O SVU. Haven't seen a single episode of the last three years, not even when they had their threesome with Chicago Med and SVU. In addition, I haven't watched a single episode of Chicago Fire of the last two seasons either.
04/14/17 at 03:53pm
gritty..... Jason Beghe and Elias Koteas give the show an edge that is uncommon on current police shows.
01/13/17 at 12:09pm
If you have to take anyone off the show then take Jesse Lee Soffer off! Bring back Patrick John Flueger. The show would be better.
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