The hit reality series will be back next summer.
September 26, 2018
At the end of tonight's Big Brother finale, host Julie Chen announced that the reality show will be returning next summer for its 21st season. She also confirmed that the already-renewed Celebrity Big Brother is set to air its second season this winter.
The good news follows another successful run for the hit series, which year after year ranks as one of the summer's top rated shows. Airing three nights a week, each of its episodes consistently rank in the top 5 programs among adults 18-34. This current season in particular was also lauded by many fans as being one of its strongest outings in some time.
There have been questions recently about Chen's future with the Big Brother franchise. She abruptly left her other gig at CBS as co-host of The Talk earlier this month after her husband, Les Moonves, was ousted from his role as CEO and chairman of the network. While it is uncertain at this time as to whether Chen will stay on as the host of Big Brother, in making tonight's announcement she did say, "We will also see you again next summer."
michael dobey
09/29/18 at 10:55am
This was on in the UK first. I wonder if that version is still on. There is a british movie that was made where the english big brother set's cast and crew is overrun by zombies. Very funny movie by the way.
09/29/18 at 09:40am
Complete shit show!
09/28/18 at 02:11pm
Yassss! This season was the best in years.
tv guy
09/28/18 at 10:32am
Nobody forces you to watch Quit Whining. It get great Rating boo hoo. Code Black has nothing to do with it.
09/28/18 at 09:46am
Having seen this and also other, international versions of BB, I've got to say this is probably the weakest of them all. Especially all the yelling into the camera in the diary room is just plain annoying. The most superficial show out there.
Guess that speaks for society nowadays.
09/27/18 at 10:28pm
Haters! This show is the best! And it's coming back!!!!!
09/27/18 at 07:04pm
Why?!?! Ugh!
09/27/18 at 04:21pm
Wow! Season 21? I was finished with this after Season 1... and I wished I hadn't wasted my time watching it!
The Rodentman
09/27/18 at 04:04pm
BB was novel in the beginning but now has become tiresome, as has Survivor. They are both scripted and the players are coached.
09/27/18 at 01:38pm
Guess I won't be watching CBS next summer. They renewed this, but refused to renew Code Black...what a shame.
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