11/11/24 at 09:14am
Season 22 has started off pretty weak think it's time to retire the show.
Julie Holmes
03/01/24 at 05:17am
I loved ncis wen gibbs danozo mgee Abbey ziva duccy and palmer was in it it was funny Julie Holmes from England
03/10/22 at 08:22am
I do like the character that replaced Gibbs but the characters Jessica and Kayla are poor replacements for previous female agents such as Ellie and Ziva.
Pam Lincoln
12/22/21 at 01:21pm
I will no longer be watching this show,to many changes and not a fan of Gibbs replacement
12/21/21 at 02:13am
This show is getting very tired. Time to kill it off. Story lines have gone from far fetched to ridiculous. Mark Harmon was right to get out before this show hits rock bottom.
Pam Lincoln
10/06/21 at 11:47am
I am becoming sad due to Gibbs not being on much. The one time he doesn't show up for a couple of episodes and that will be it for me. Gibbs makes the show!!!!
02/06/21 at 05:32pm
You would think that after the nth time running out of ammo they would carry more than the ammo that happens to be in the gun. You know, a spare clip or "gasp", maybe 2? How stupid do you have to be to let it happen over and over? The second thing is, why cant they hit anything they shoot at? 30 rounds and they managed to hit one guy in the shoulder.
11/30/20 at 02:42pm
So refreshing to have a show that is continuously exciting and entertaining without trying to force political propaganda down our throat. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
10/14/20 at 10:28am
I'd gladly have Ziva back. Those who think only with Tony back are missing the reality. Tony Tim and Ziva evolved to being less funny as time went on. For this reason I don't want Tony and Ziva both back.
12/18/19 at 00:11am
Spoilers ahead:
The latest entry was great. I’m glad that they gave us closure with Ziva though the twist in the middle of the episode should have been seen, still got a reaction out of me though. Now that Ziva’s quest is done, they can hopefully retire this character and move on with series development.